
Academic Excellence

黑料网 offers the opportunity to achieve excellence in either the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). Both of these tertiary pathways provide our year 12 graduates with an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).

Class of 2023

Class of 2023 Academic Results


We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our IBDP and VCE students on their exceptional academic results. Commendations are in order for achieving the best combined results on record for St Leonard’s College and our highest VCE results to date.

Class of 2023 Academic Results Brochure

Combined IBDP and VCE Results*

  • 91.65 Median ATAR
  • 55.8% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above
  • 80.8% of students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above

IBDP Results*?

  • 96.35 Median ATAR
  • 83% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above
  • 98% of students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above

VCE Results

  • 87.05 Median ATAR
  • 43% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above
  • 73% of students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above
  • 20.2% of students achieved a 40+ Study Score

Duces and Proxime Accessits

Special congratulations to our VCE and IBDP Class of 2023 Duces and Proxime Accessits, along with our students who received study scores of 50.

  • VCE Dux: Tiancong (Sam)?Shen achieved an ATAR of?99.8
  • IBDP Duces: Fabian Bonacci, Liou (Leo) Wang and Callum Wilson achieved an IBDP score of 44 (notional ATAR of 99.7)
  • IBDP Proxime Accessit: Sacci Hoover achieved a IBDP score of 43 (notional ATAR of 99.35)
  • VCE Proxime Accessit:?Aya Broshi achieved an ATAR of?98.9

Perfect Study Scores of 50

  • Sophie McMillan, Year 12: English
  • George Vasiliadis, Year 11: Biology

We would like to express our gratitude to the dedicated teachers and staff who have played a vital role in guiding our students throughout their learning journey. We also recognise the steadfast support from parents, families, and guardians, whose unwavering encouragement has contributed to the remarkable achievements of these young individuals.

*These results are subject to change and may increase pending final confirmation from the International Baccalaureate Office regarding EURs (Enquiries Upon Results). Results correct as at 29 January 2024.