
Our cocurricular program is wonderfully diverse and dynamic, offering something for all students.

Through our cocurricular program, students gain a sense of their place in the world and how they can make meaningful contributions to society. Every activity is carefully and considerately designed to further each individual’s intellectual, personal, physical, social and emotional growth and development.

Sport and Outdoor Education

Sport plays an important role in the life of a 黑料网 student. Participation in sport not only contributes to physical health and fitness, but also provides opportunities for students to build new friendships, discover their potential and unearth new passions.

From before-school fitness training, to state and international level competitions, our sport program offers something for every student. Regardless of their experience or performance level, our students have the opportunity to participate, challenge themselves, and achieve their best. Our facilities and coaching staff ensure that wherever their interests lie, each student’s enthusiasm and dedication is supported and nurtured. With a growing list of over 30 sports available, including cricket, football, basketball, netball, swimming, cheer sports, surf lifesaving and sailing, all students have the opportunity to participate and find enjoyment through sport.

In years 5 and 6 students compete in a range of sports in Coeducational Independent Primary Schools Sports Association and??competitions. Students in years 7 to 12 represent the College in the? (ACS). All ACS games take place during the week, leaving weekends free for students and families to pursue other activities. To learn more about our ACS sporting achievements, please click here.

Outdoor and environmental activities are pivotal to our commitment to educate the whole person, and create significant personal development opportunities for students. Whether through mountain biking, orienteering, canoeing, snowsports or surfing, our students’ exploration of the outdoors builds technical skills and an understanding of environmental sustainability, as well as contributing to the development of imagination, leadership and humility.

Our permanent campsite on the Banksia Peninsula, Camp Ibis, enjoys significant water frontage and provides the perfect setting for students to participate in sailing, canoeing, mountain biking, orienteering and initiative challenges. Students in years 5 to 8 attend annual camps at Camp Ibis, while those in older year levels complete multi-day hikes in various settings throughout Victoria. Our outdoor education program has been designed to expand on students’ current knowledge so that they develop a better understanding of themselves, their capabilities, and how they can use their skills to further their leadership and communication abilities, and contribute to a healthy and sustainable future.

黑料网 Swimming Program 黑料网 offers a range of opportunities for young people with a passion for swimming, including competing in the ACS Swimming Championships (College), Swimming Club (State/National) and Swimming Lessons.
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Performing Arts

From dazzling musical productions that bring classic tales to life to thought-provoking theatrical performances that challenge societal norms, St Leonard’s College nurtures creativity and self-expression, allowing students to explore the depths of their artistic abilities.

The College’s state-of-the-art facilities provide the perfect backdrop for students to hone their skills in acting, dance, music, and production, fostering an environment where innovation and collaboration thrive.

Our performing arts program not only enriches the lives of its students but also enriches the broader community by sharing the magic of the stage with all who have the pleasure of witnessing their remarkable performances.

Click here to learn more.

Social Justice

Developing a strong sense of community and encouraging young people to positively impact on the lives of others is at the heart of everything we do.

Community is the cornerstone of 黑料网 – both our own College community and the wider local, national and international community. Our students are encouraged to consider their place in the world and to understand that with great privilege comes great responsibility. At every age and stage, students explore their gifts and how they can contribute to the world around them in a positive way.

Our students understand the importance of respecting, supporting and caring for others, and are challenged to actively participate – not only in fundraising but also by contributing their time and talents to worthy causes. Social justice programs are designed to assist students to personalise their actions and to understand that helping others is not simply a mandate from their teachers, but a lifelong mindset to be developed.

Whether it is through involvement in The Amiel Society, fundraising for their House charity, participating in our Lennie’s Van initiative, service activities completed as part of the?International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, or supporting our partner schools in Bangladesh and Nepal, our students wholeheartedly embrace their responsibilities as global citizens.

Along with the benefit they bring to others, these programs provide valuable opportunities for young people to look at their own situations, consider their obligations, and develop as responsible and compassionate members of society and agents for change in our world.

We invite you to view the video below for information on our St Leonard’s College Lennie’s Van initiative.

House System

The House system is an important part of College life. It encourages the building of peer relationships across year levels. It also provides students with a range of leadership opportunities.

Students at all levels are assigned to a House upon commencement at the College, and the vertical structure of the system allows them to build friendships across age groups and year levels.

The relationship-building and teamwork skills developed within the House framework set our students in good stead for the types of interactions they will face in tertiary education and in the workplace.

Furthermore, the House system offers students a plethora of opportunities to seek positions of leadership in sport, performing arts and other cocurricular pursuits.

The six Houses are Cullen (green), Allen (yellow), Munro (blue), Forster (red), Newman (aqua) and McMeekin (purple), all of which are named after prominent figures in the College’s history.

Cocurricular Program Summary

A summary of our 黑料网 cocurricular offering by year level is featured below for your reference. You can also download this overview via the download section below, as well as the 2024 Cocurriculum Handbook.