
Support a 黑料网 Foundation fund of your choice.

Donations to the 黑料网 Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Foundation Fund can be made online at any time and are fully tax deductible*.

Your valuable donations to the 黑料网 Scholarship Fund enable worthy young people the opportunity to receive an education for life.

Thanks to the support of donors throughout our history, many students have been provided with the opportunity of a 黑料网 education.

Through our Leonardian, Global Citizen and Indigenous Scholarships, young people whose life circumstances present barriers to success have enjoyed the benefits of a first-class secondary education at St Leonard’s. These life-changing scholarships open doors for students and equip them to create change for themselves, their families, their communities and their world.

As a very fortunate community, we are aware that with great privilege comes great responsibility. We are committed to extending opportunities to more young women and men who have not enjoyed the favourable life circumstances of most within our community. A gift to the Scholarship Fund is an investment in the life of a young person and their future and will leave a lasting legacy for years to come.

Global Citizen Scholarships

These awards provide support for prospective students seeking entry into years 7 to 11, who have immigrated to Australia on a refugee category visa in the past 24 months. The College has a close relationship with the Noble Park English Language Centre but welcomes applications from all eligible families.

Indigenous Scholarships

黑料网 is committed to increasing the number and ensuring the success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students enrolled in secondary education. Indigenous Scholarships may be awarded to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander prospective students entering years 7 to 11. The College has close relationships with the Warruwi community and the Melbourne Indigenous Transition School but welcomes applications from all eligible families.

Leonardian Scholarships

Leonardian Scholarships are awarded to prospective students entering years 7 to 11. These scholarship are awarded to students who face ongoing difficult financial, family, or other life circumstances which have prevented them from achieving their best.


Scholarship Recipient Reflections

Some of our past and present Global Citizen and Indigenous Scholars reflect on what an ‘education for life’ means to them in the video below.

The Building Fund

A first-class education requires first-class facilities, and donations to the Building Fund allow us to provide the very best learning environments for our students, such as our new Inspiring Innovations development. Learn More

Many of the facilities St Leonard’s students enjoy today were made possible by the generosity of parents, Old Collegians and friends of the College in generations past.

In recent years the College completed our Visual Arts Centre and Cornish Library, and our Learning Futures project. ?The beginning of 2019 saw the completion of our Junior School enhancement project with a new custom-designed library, a dedicated Junior School STEM laboratory, and new year 2 learning spaces.

The Junior School redevelopment facilitated the relocation and expansion of the library with purpose-built study nooks throughout the corridors along with dedicated open reading spaces, optimising this learning environment and supporting student growth. The new library also features a dedicated amphitheatre for teaching, ensuring our students are enthusiastically engaged and encouraged in dynamic ways that enhance their literacy skills. The new library location, design, and layout encourage students to browse and borrow with its unrestricted access as students pass through it to access other areas of the Junior School.

The Junior School enhancement project also delivers new year 2 learning areas, including one additional learning space, along with the transformation of the internal courtyard into a dedicated, light-filled Junior School STEM laboratory. This progressive new space captures the young minds and imaginations of our Junior School students, with its location also allowing those in the adjoining ground and first-floor corridors to interact with the learnings taking place in this new STEM space.

None of this has been possible without the generosity of our community.? All of our College improvements have been supported by hundreds of individuals and families who gave to the Building Fund. By giving to the Building Fund, you help us to provide outstanding facilities to support our students as they learn and grow, whatever path they choose to take their place in the world.

The Building Fund - Recent Updates Brochure

To learn more about recent Building Fund updates, please download the brochure.

The Foundation Fund Donations to this general Foundation Fund are used at the College’s discretion to support projects from our capital infrastructure development program, our social justice commitments, or other causes and programs which will benefit current and future Leonardians.
* Please seek financial advice regarding individual or company eligibility for tax deductions.