
Innovation in Technology

Our students don’t come to school to watch their teachers work. They come to collaborate, to create and to take responsibility for their own learning.

In the past decade of educational transformation nothing has changed more than the relationship between teachers and students, and the way information is distributed in the classroom.

Where previously teachers were the main providers of content and the tools that dominated the classroom were textbooks and chalkboards, recent developments in technology have flipped the classroom on its head and opened up a whole world of information and learning opportunities.

Our intranet, STL Link, has transformed the way our teachers deliver content and our successful bring your own device (BYOD) technology program allow students to explore curriculum content, develop their own media-rich content to share with peers, and explore what is quite literally a world of learning material.

All students from years 3 to 9 bring their own iPad to school every day, while students in Senior School bring a device of their choosing. These devices are transforming the way we teach and learn. Students don’t watch, listen or read with an iPad; they create, explore, question and challenge. Apps make every learning task engaging and inspiring. From creating a multimedia presentation to developing an interactive eBook, the work students need to do becomes the work they want to do.

Our commitment to innovation in technology has been recognised the world over with other schools regularly?visiting us hoping to learn from our successes. It is a visionary and balanced approach which ensures we use technology in the most appropriate and effective ways. We take advantage of the ability to share information quickly and easily to provide parents with continuous reporting information regarding their child’s progress and programs. The intelligent use of data ensures each student’s needs are met and extended both inside and outside the classroom. Our award-winning STEM program also provides students with world-class digital and 3D printing facilities to open their mind to powerful design thinking.

Giving students more responsibility for their own learning has made them more engaged and better prepared in the classroom. This, in turn, is making them better prepared for their future.

Recognised Leaders in Innovation

黑料网 was named as one of?The Educator’s?Innovative Schools for the second consecutive year in 2018.

This special report profiles Australian schools leading the way in efforts to best prepare students for tomorrow’s world.

St Leonard’s continuous innovation in technology ensures we are leading the way in preparing students for tomorrow’s world.

Innovative Schools Award 2018

The 2018 Innovative Schools award recognises our model of teaching for years 5 and 6, and our progressive framework which supports student learning and agency via specialist teachers and dedicated learning zones for each subject. Our students also experience the wonders of our DigiSTEM subject which brings together the once discrete disciplines of digital technologies, science, technology, engineering, maths and design thinking into one amazing experience. This specialist approach also facilitates an enhanced level of preparedness for year 7 where student agency plays a critical role in learning and development.

Additionally, the award recognises that St Leonard’s is leading the way in developing students competencies that will serve them effectively in the ever-evolving world. This approach aligns with the OECD Learning Framework for 2030 and the development of “transformative” competencies such as responsibility and being an active global citizen.? Our extensive Social Justice Program, and the addition of the Lennie’s Van initiative, positions our College as pioneers in this vitally important area of student development and is yet another example of our commitment to provide ‘an education for life.’

The pedagogy and programs at St Leonard’s are years beyond most schools. We continue to be guided by the latest research to drive significant innovations that enable our students to be lifelong learners.

Innovative Schools Award 2017

黑料网 was proudly recognised as the 2017 Winner of The Educator’s Innovative Schools Award. The Educator magazine works with some of the world’s most progressive business schools and leverages its global networks and affiliations to gain insights from the leading education executives from around the globe. The Innovative Schools Award is a testament to St Leonard’s commitment to innovation in all aspects of learning, including technology. 黑料网 recognises that the development of digital literacy is an increasingly vital skill in our technologically advancing world.

In 2017, St Leonard’s introduced the DigiSTEM faculty. Students in years 5 to 7 attend core DigiSTEM classes, and a variety of electives are offered at higher year levels. A new STEM classroom was designed and developed with inbuilt robot tracks, 3D-printing facilities, and various programmable computers and devices. In this progressive learning space, our year 5 students are able to complete a ‘Keyhole Surgery Training Unit’ that uses an electrical circuit and exposes them to computer programming, while year 8 STEM students are able to design and 3D-print prosthetic hands. In year 9, students are creating their own video games while others are designing and 3D-printing robots and coding them to complete tasks. St Leonard’s continues to review and identify new and innovative ways to facilitate an inspiring culture of learning for our students.


Learn more how our teachers and students are embracing technology to enhance learning.